Bush to Congress – Patriot Act or Marshall Law: HOFBURG PALACE US $ 30 T OFFICIAL INVESTIGATION
One of the reasons this information in this book is so important is that some of the same tactics used by Wanta to bring down the ruble are now being used to bring down the U.S. Dollar. If you realize what happened to the Soviet Union Ruble, you are far ahead of where other Americans are in their understanding of why the dollar is upsy-downsy from one day to the next – the same for gold and silver.

"Globalization"and Secret Societies Exposed What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs." St. Matthew, 10-26 & 27 Trillion Dollar Terror Exposed 
LORD JAMES OF BLACKHEATH, EXPOSING "TRILLION DOLLAR TERROR" | | | Bush, Fed, Europe Banks in $15 Trillion Fraud, All Documented Below is one of the strangest stories in financial history, one involving the US government lying about hundreds of thousands of tons of imaginary gold, illegal wire transfers and loans totalling $15 trillion. The video, from the House of Lords, is amazing in itself. What it doesn’t express is where the money came from though Lord James of Blackheath proves conclusively that an effort was made to say it came from a gold reserve in Brunei that, in fact, never existed. At surface, it appears we have stumbled upon the largest terrorist organization in the world and have found original documents tracing its funding to the Secretary of the Treasury and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, two of the top financial officers in the US. A cursory review of terrorism statues in the US indicate that all transactions we will learn about are, in fact, to be assumed “terrorist money laundering” and that the only thing preventing the immediate arrest of hundreds of top financial officials is their political connections alone. CHAPTER SIXTEEN FATE: “The method determines the standard…” Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta
It is difficult to write of an ending when there really is no ending. Yet, that is what this chapter is: An ending to WANTA! Black Swan, White Hat. It is also a beginning relative to the life and times of Leo/Lee Emil Wanta and the American economy and what is yet to come. Remember Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s definition in his book, The Black Swan: In the world of finance (and probably other worlds, as well) it is a metaphor that describes an event that surprises the observer and has a major effect. After the event, a Black Swan is inappropriately rationalized with the benefit of hindsight. One objective of WANTA! Black Swan, White Hat (and the first edition which preceded it, Americans: Wanta Be Free) has been to provide the international public and particularly the American populace with information about how President Reagan and his secret Presidential Task Force brought down the Soviet Union Ruble (SUR) utilizing the skill and knowledge of the man Reagan called his “favorite junkyard dog,” Leo Emil Wanta. A LIFETIME OF COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE SERVICE TO THE UNITED STATES In the course of his professional intelligence service, Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta conducted sensitive counter-intelligence business and operations in the following countries and territories, among others: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Belize, Brazil, Burma, Chad, Chile, China, Cuba, Egypt, El Salvador, France, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Nicaragua, North Africa, Amman, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Thailand, United Kingdom, Vanuatu (the currently favored, utterly corrupted financial offshore tax haven bolt-hold of the Illuminati), Venezuela and Zaire. In many operations, transactions patterns are established in order to monitor the resulting financial flows, which can be done using inter alia PROMIS-derivative software. President Reagan referred to Leo Wanta as his favorite ‘junkyard dog’ because of his ability to get things done by ‘unconventional’ means. However, what is apparent from studying what is known about Leo Wanta’s life is that he may not have realized that although he served successive Presidents with total loyalty, in many instances they were working to a different underlying agenda to what they told him. ...Christopher Story, International Currency Review, World Reports, London If you’re smart, you’ll analyze the historical result of what happened to Wanta… you’ll ask yourself some interesting questions about what will happen in the next ten or twenty years if people, once informed, continue to just let things happen as they have done since Wanta was first arrested in 1993. After his 1993 arrest – after the funds generated to prevent the financial disaster begun in 2007 were borrowed or stolen by agent provocateurs – the corruption, fraud, vice and sleaze in the world’s financial systems began and have picked up steam to an intolerable level. Very likely, it will not stop until the people force a stoppage or our beautiful country is relegated to Third World status. People do not seem to realize that once we lose this beautiful nation – when it becomes a Detroit – we don’t get it back again. Not ever. One of the reasons this information in this book is so important is that some of the same tactics used by Wanta to bring down the ruble are now being used to bring down the U.S. Dollar. If you realize what happened to the Soviet Union Ruble, you are far ahead of where other Americans are in their understanding of why the dollar is upsy-downsy from one day to the next – the same for gold and silver. President Reagan supported the Star Wars program because he knew the Soviets would have to follow America’s lead or lose their status as a world power. Star Wars was expensive to both the United States and the Soviet Union… but in those days our economy was in much better shape than theirs. Thanks to his Task Force, Reagan knew that when the Soviets went heavily into debt to prove they could compete with us in Cold War technology, it would create an economic tipping point that would make possible the destruction of their currency. One of the things I’ve learned while writing Ambassador Wanta’s biography is that many of the same strategies that were used to bring down the Soviet Union – Operation Stillpoint (Wanta’s code name was “Stillpoint” for that operation) are today being used against the United States. Here is a paragraph from a recently de-classified document (classified Top Secret in an era when “Top Secret” really means something). As you read the linked document (and the below paragraph), bear in mind that it was written by American intelligence in March 1985, not March 2013 and detailed how we would use certain natural occurrences in Afghanistan to defeat the Soviet Union not only in the Middle East, but in the hallways of world opinion. Here’s just one paragraph from this important document: “Promote Soviet isolation in the Third and Islamic worlds on the Afghanistan issue. The Soviets have paid a price in the Third World for their continuing occupation of Afghanistan. We must not let their activities disappear from the agenda of Third World and Islamic countries. We should make every effort to increase the condemnation of the Soviets on this issue.” That was written by American intelligence in 1985 – it exemplifies precisely what Operation Stillpoint was all about. It extends the same philosophy President Ronald Reagan put in place for Leo Emil Wanta when he was sent into the Soviet Union to destabilize the economy. The words “Promote Soviet isolation…” evidence that. But let’s move beyond that for a moment. Let’s update things to 2013, using that same paragraph. Isn’t it very possible that some intelligence operatives in Russia and China and possibly Turkey are writing similar paragraphs about the United States? I cannot imagine that they would not be doing so. Such paragraphs might read: “Promote American isolation in the Third and Islamic worlds on the Afghanistan issue. The Americans have paid a price in the Third World for their continuing occupation of Afghanistan – especially since the Obama Administration decided to use drones that kill …….more 
By Lee Wanta, Editor Since the United States government won’t allow me to pay my repatriation civil income taxes, apparently the ony way to receive my personal income and property is to go through Austria where I am a taxpayer in good standing. While there, I can receive my $30 trillion and pay my taxes, erasing America’s national debt. Let’s admit it, most of America’s national debt was never authorized in the first place. No one wants it paid off, former Secretary of Treasury Henry Paulson put the US congress under duress, the debt exists to control the American people and is, in no way, representative of any real economic situation. Paulson told congress that he had the full support of President Bush (43) to declare martial law and arrest members of congress and their families. _________________________________ [Note: Dear Readers, We will not leave you to read between the lines here because it is way too important to not fully understand. This was given to us, so we could give to you, so you would understand that 911 was a coup, which we to do take credit for really understanding until a good deal after the fact. Think back to how quickly the Patriot Act was passed, with Congressmen admitting that they voted for without even reading it. We now know what the long term consequences were to that. Now you can add two and two together on that. The Constitution became a roll of toilet paper on that day to the coupmeisters. A bit trickier is why have the Treasury Secretary deliver such an ultimatum and not a Pentagon chief or Attorney general. The answer is in what happened financially to us afterwards that was really part of the coup, and all the prestaging that had been set up for years earlier...and then you will know why Paulson was giving Congress the kiss from the Don Corleo-Bush...Jim W. Dean] Where did the money come from? Where did it go? Nobody knows. | | |
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