Mysterious 'giant pyramid' spotted on the ocean floor: Alien hunters who claimed to have spotted a Kraken now say they've also seen an ancient UFO base on Google Earth
- Used Google Earth to find 'pyramid' that is 8.5 miles across the base
- Sighting occurred in June using coordinates 12 ° 8'1.49 'N 119 ° 35'26.39' W
- Beam of light spotted in Google Earth, which led them to the structure
- Says it could be an ancient UFO or massive underwater alien baseViewcomments

The second possible site contains four mounds with a larger, triangular-shaped plateau. The two larger mounds at this site are approximately 250 feet in width, with two smaller mounds approximately 100 feet in width. This site complex is arranged in a very clear formation with the large plateau, or butte, nearby in a triangular shape with a width of approximately 600 feet.
The sites have been documented and discovered by satellite archaeology researcher Angela Micol of Maiden, North Carolina. Angela has been conducting satellite archaeology research for over ten years, searching for ancient sites from space using Google Earth. Angela is a UNC Charlotte alumnus and has studied archaeology since childhood. Google Earth has allowed her to document many possible archaeological sites, including a potential underwater city off the coast of the Yucatan peninsula that has sparked the interest of scientists, researchers and archaeologists. Angela is also a board member of the APEX Institute, founded by archaeologist William Donato, who is pioneering underwater archaeological research in the Bahamas. Angela has been assisted by Don J. Long, fellow APEX researcher and colleague.
The sites have been verified as undiscovered by Egyptologist and pyramid expert Nabil Selim. Nabil’s discoveries include the pyramid called Sinki at Abydos and the Dry Moat surrounding the Step pyramid Complex at Saqqara. Nabil has stated the smaller 100 foot “mounds”, at one of the proposed complex sites, are a similar size as the 13th Dynasty Egyptian pyramids, if a square base can be discovered...
Pyramid discovery challenges current archeological theory
A gigantic structure, perhaps larger than the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt, and initially identified by a doctor in the 1960s, has been independently verified by diving teams from France and the U.S.
The discovery has rocked scientists around the world. Will they rush to investigate it? No, they’re more likely to studiously ignore it. If pressed, they’ll officially position themselves as highly skeptical—especially in light ofthe potential ramifications.
The pyramid could confirm some engineers’ contentions that pyramids were originally created as massive power sources, support the claim that the ancient city-state of Atlantis did exist, or even provide answers to the mysterious goings-on that have been recorded since the 19th Century in the region of the Atlantic dubbed theBermuda Triangle...
The Bermuda Triangle: mysterious, unworldly, sometimes deadly. For decades intrepid researchers delved into the maze of mysteries hidden deep within this most enigmatic place on Earth.
Some speculate the bizarre time anomalies, disappearances and weird phenomena can be explained by natural occurences. Others are insistent that relics of an advanced, unknown culture left behind fantastic technology…great energy machines that literally warp spacetime and open portals to other realities.
Now American and French explorers have made a monumental discovery: a partially translucent, crystal-like pyramid rising from the Caribbean seabed— its origin, age and purpose completely unknown.
Pyramid discovery challenges current archaelogical theory
A gigantic structure, perhaps larger than the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt, and initially identified by a doctor in the 1960s, has been independently verified by diving teams from France and the U.S.
The discovery has rocked scientists around the world. Will they rush to investigate it? No, they're more likely to studiously ignore it. If pressed, they'll officially position themselves as highly skeptical—especially in light of the potential ramifications.
The pyramid could confirm some engineers' contentions that pyramids were originally created as massive power sources, support the claim that the ancient city-state of Atlantis did exist, or even provide answers to the mysterious goings-on that have been recorded since the 19th Century in the region of the Atlantic dubbed theBermuda Triangle.
Researcher Zach Royer, has more on the discovery here.
Artist's conception of the incredible crystal pyramid
First discovered in 1968
According to the history, the pyramid was accidentally discovered during 1968 by a doctor of naturopathy, Ray Brown of Mesa, Arizona.
Brown was in the Caribbean on vacation and making dives with friends in a region off the Bahamas known as "the Tongue of the Ocean." The area acquired that name because a tongue-shaped portion of the seabed extends out from the island before sharply dropping off into much greater depths.
When relating his discovery, the doctor explained he became separated from his diving friends underwater. While attempting to rejoin them he came upon a massive structure rising from the ocean floor: a black, hulking object silhouetted against the lighter sun-filtered water. The object was shaped like a pyramid.
Because he was low on air, he didn't spend much time investigating the pyramid, but did find a strange crystal sphere.
Images of 3 pyramids can be seen in Brown's crystal
He brought it to the surface with him and later when the ancient crystal was studied researchers were astonished by its properties.
Is the crystal pyramid causing the Triangle phenomena?
Some Triangle researchers have theorized for years that a strange energy source exists at the bottom of the sea within the region of the ocean affecting planes, ships, and boats.
A few investigators postulate that if the fabled Atlantis really did exist the remains of its mythical energy-vortex machine might still be intact at the bottom of the ocean. Such a machine, they claim, would likely be pyramidal-shaped and the original historical template that succeeding cultures around the globe copied much later.
Mysterious pyramids scattered across the world
Pyramid structures have been discovered across North, Central, and South America; Eastern Europe; the icy tundra of Siberia; Northern and Central China; and possibly Antarctica. The South Pole pyramid cannot be confirmed as it's deep under more than a mile of ice and images of it are controversial.
Years ago, mysterious ruins—the vestiges of an unknown culture—were discovered on a small island called Maldenin the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The ruins were claimed to also have the remains of an ancient pyramid.
Enigmatic Pacific Island Malden in the middle of nowhere
Believers in the ancient land of Lemuria (also called Mu) proposed that the ruins might be all that were left of that ancient land, while others speculated it might have been an outpost colony of Atlantis.
An anthropologist from the Bishop Museum in Honolulu, Hawaii explored the ruins back in 1924 and found no pyramid. What scientist Kenneth Emory did find, however, was evidence that a small Polynesian tribe once settled there briefly, perhaps no further back in time than the 16th Century. Despite that finding, more revelations were to come from the tiny island during the ensuing years.
Researcher Mitch Williamson dug deeper into the mysteries.
Reporting on some of Williamson's amazing findings, Rich Hoffman, explorer and investigator, writes: "There are 40 stone temples on Malden Island that are described as similar in design to the buildings of Nan Madol on Pohnpei, some 3,400 miles (5,475 km) away. In fact, there is a basalt road that runs along the bottom of the Pacific Ocean which connects these islands under hundreds of feet of water.
"This suggests a culture that is more than 50,000 years old and that this entire land mass was once above water supporting a civilization that had no trouble moving around tremendous stones to build very large, complicated societies which we know absolutely nothing about, other than the fact that someone built them and they are older than biblical history.
"Yet, nobody discusses them because they don’t fit into our understanding of the human race and their origins. Scientists have their diffusion theories of how migrants arrived in North America using the land bridge of the Bering Straight and they are sticking with it."
The same can be said of the scattered ruins of the Caribbean that suggest a very large civilization extending from the coastal waters off the Florida Keys, toward the Bahamian waters, crossing near Bimini, and east into the Atlantic.
Cuba too has underwater ruins off its coast that may have been part of the same city-state complex.
Two divers explore the rambling ruins off Bimini
Hoffman also mentions, almost in passing, the incredible report of explorer Tony Benik who made the momentous discovery of yet another huge pyramid under 10,000 feet of water in the middle of the Atlantic. The pyramid, Benik claims, is capped with a huge crystal.
And if that's not enough, Hoffman shares the discovery of the Ari Marshall expedition in 1977. The team discovered a smaller pyramid off Cay Sal in the Bahamas. Marshall snapped underwater photos of the pyramid that's submerged beneath 150 feet of water.
According to Marshall's account the mystery pyramid glows. He also reported the water around the pyramid was luminescent and glistening white water flowed out of openings in the pyramid.
Despite the water at that depth being dark (not much light reaches that far down), the water surrounding the amazing pyramid was lit by the glow from the structure and appeared like a phosphoresent green color.
If Atlantis did exist, it probably existed during the end of the last Ice Age. The story of its sinking relates to the massive floods and rising ocean when the oversized Arctic icecap suddenly receded with catastrophic results for much of the Northern Hemisphere.
At the end of last Ice Age sea levels were nearly 400 feet lower than present day levels. Once the waters began to rise, they rose swiftly. Conceivably, no technology then, or now, could have saved Atlantis from its watery grave.
World’s Pyramids Beaming Energy To Mysterious Space Cloud
Although NASA covered up the strange photon cloud that's now enveloped the solar system, the word has leaked out from some scientists.
And now, as the ominous cloud approaches it's affecting the sun and planets in measurable ways.
Amazingly, as the bizarre energy invades our space, some of the world's most famous pyramids are generating intense energy.
Several incredible incidents of visible power beams shooting skywards into space towards the region of the alien photonic cloud are well-documented.
At the same time, people around the world began hearing and recording frightening sounds—noises that seem as if the Earth itself is moaning and wailing.
All the phenomena—including measurements of the never-before-seen gigantic electrification of the turbulent sun—seem to be centered on the deadly photonic cloud that some have called a 'potential Doomsday space event.'
Pyramids beam energy to approaching space cloud
Ancient pyramids awake after centuries, millennia of slumber
Tourists screamed, others shot hasty videos with their camera phones as the Mayan pyramid rumbled. But no earthquake followed, instead a brilliant beam of light shot skyward into space as awed onlookers gasped, wondering what it meant.
Mayan energy beam. Processed image on right shows hidden lightning bolt
But the Mayan pyramid of Kukulkan transmitting a raw column of incredible energy into space was just the latest pyramid to do so.
Artist's re-creation of what witnesses saw at Bosnian pyramid
In 2009 and 2010 the Bosnian pyramid of the sun beamed a pencil thin ray of pure energy towards space.
Recently, the Chinese government began closely monitoring the Xianyang pyramid for signs of activity. Last year a team of scientists investigated the pyramid and believe it may have extraterrestrial origins. [Alien Base Found At Chinese Pyramid]
Aztec Pyramid of the Moon blasts energy vortex from apex
That amazing incident was followed by the vortex blast—witnessed and captured on film—shooting from the apex of the famous Aztec Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan, Mexico.
Energy beams, vortexes, whirlwinds of intense force…what does it mean? Where is that energy being directed and why? What activated the mysterious power of these silent sentinels of stone quietly marking the passage of centuries…until something disturbed their slumber?
What brought them to life may be something more incredible than the actions of the pyramids: the arrival of an unknown force from the galactic void that's now surrounded much of the solar system.
The deadly photon belt
NASA and the European Space Agency have been warning the world for two years about the approaching catastrophes that may unfold during 2012 to 2013. Few listened.
Astrophysicist Dr. Alexey Dmitriev
Now the eminent astrophysicist, Alexey Demetriev ["PLANETOPHYSICAL STATE OF THE EARTH AND LIFE"] claims what is happening is worse—much worse—than NASA and the ESA's warnings. [Claim: NASA Hiding Approaching Doomsday Space Event]
Our entire solar system has entered an immense, potentially deadly, interstellar energy cloud.
Pyramids reacting to unknown, alien cloud
Dr. Demetriev has revealed that both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 probes reported the entire solar system is at risk. Worse, Merav Opher, a NASA Heliophysics Guest Investigator from George Mason University claims this interstellar energy cloud is unstable and turbulent.
The Russian scientist further asserts this photonic cloud of energy is exciting the atmospheres of the planets and especially our sun. As this interstellar energy cloud continues to excite and interact with the sun, it causes the sun to become more active, resulting in greater output and instability.
The magnetic flux, interaction with the solar magnetosphere and Earth's geomagnetic fields, can cause core mutations, anomalous field vortices, and polar magnetic permutations creating superstorms, wild weather swings, and—most amazing of all—atmospheric and subterranean harmonics capable of being heard all across the planet.
Illustration of how pyramids may generate power
The pyramids—natural reservoirs of earth energy and advanced capacitors engineered to draw upon the planet's magnetic force field—are releasing and blasting pure energy into the drifting space cloud engulfing our defenseless planetary system.
The predicted harmonics have been heard, recorded, and heatedly discussed since the spring of 2011.
Recently, some recordings have appeared on Youtube from countries all over the globe posted by puzzled, sometimes frightened people, demanding to know what the sounds are. [Skyquakes: Warnings From Earth's Destabilizing Core]
While some are undoubtedly fakes and hoaxes, others are genuine recordings of subterranean and atmospheric harmonics.
Professor Dr. Elchin Khalilov discusses the harmonics
In a recent interview with Geochange Magazine about the strange earth harmonics, eminent scientist, Professor Dr. Elchin Khalilov, gave this analysis:
"[The]…possible cause of these sounds…may lie at the Earth's core. The fact is that the acceleration of the drift of the Earth's north magnetic pole which increased more than fivefold between 1998 and 2003 and is at the same level today points to intensification of energy processes in the Earth's core, since it is processes in the inner and outer core that form the Earth's geomagnetic field.
"Meanwhile, as we have already reported, on November 15, 2011 all ATROPATENA geophysical stations which record three-dimensional variations of the Earth's gravitational field almost simultaneously registered a powerful gravitational impulse. The stations are deployed in Istanbul, Kiev, Baku, Islamabad and Yogyakarta, with the first and last one being separated by a distance of about 10,000 km. Such a phenomenon is only possible if the source of this emanation is at the Earth's core level. That huge energy release from the Earth's core at the end of the last year was some kind of a start signal indicating the transition of the Earth's internal energy into a new active phase."[Geochange Magazine]
And the harmonics are emanating from the Earth's core as the good professor theorizes. Similar sounds are sometimes heard before great earthquakes strike.
This time, however, the sounds are not presaging massive earthquakes, but are being generated by the twisting magnetic field and the pulsing permutations of the spinning Earth's core warping parts of the mantel. Everything's reacting to the arrival of the huge photonic cloud that's invaded our region of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Properties of crystal pyramids Some theories of Atlantis propose the island city's power pyramids were made of crystal, or their tops were capped with a crystalline substance.
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Kirlian photograph of pyramid grid energy
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Image by Dr. Dee J. Nelson, University of Wyoming
Crystal has long been known to have energy applications and exhibitsnatural piezoelectrical properties.
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