Hitler's favourite commando... and his celebrity life in Ireland: How Nazi nicknamed Scarface who led mission to save Mussolini became 'feted by Dublin social glitterati'
- Otto Scorzeny was known as 'the most wanted man in Europe' and freed Mussolini from imprisonment
- He was Hitler's favourite commando and was commended by the Nazi leader for the daring mission
- He allegedly had an affair with Eva Peron while serving as her bodyguard when he lived in exile in Argentina
- Yet still, he ended up owning farmland in the Curragh in rural County Kildare and buying groceries like a local

and the second, “Ruth M. Powell.” [23] If Skorzeny and Eric Berman were both being truthful, then this discovery might lead to the disclosure of Skorzeny’s CIA alias, proving that not only was he in the U.S.
prior to WWII, he indeed had worked for the U.S. government under the protection of the OSI (which later became the CIA).
The Chautauqua “Powell” clue led to another Powell clue. “Ruth M. Powell” was listed on a web site as a member of the “Association of Retired Intelligence Officers.” [24] Was it possible that she was the same Ruth M. Powell listed as a Chatauqua participant? Is there any question, based upon the comments by two presidents and a secretary of state, that Chautauqua was a powerful propaganda and intelligencegathering machine?
and Ruth M. Powell were living in the United States prior to World War II, then they were spies for the Nazis and Circuit Chatauqua provided them with a perfect cover.
As it turned out, a recent phone listing in S. Miami was found under the name, “E. Powell.”
of both Berman and Skorzeny are both supported by this phone (and address) record.
When the Library of Congress recently published a condensed version of the University of Iowa’s Circuit Chatauqua exhibit, the names of “F.E. and Ruth M. Powell” were mysteriously missing from the master list, lending further credibility to my contention that they were indeed spies who worked for U.S. intelligence agencies, and their names were intentionally removed. The names of the participants have been rearranged into categories. Understandably, there is no category for “spies.” George H. Scherf(f), Sr. (GHS1/PSB)
Considering Adolph Hitler’s propensity to employ metaphysical symbology and his obsession with the dark side of the occult, it is plausible that GHS1/PSB’s surname had everything to do with his having
been chosen for an exceptionally covert plot: To funnel and launder stolen money through
and to subvert the government of the United States through bribery, intimidation, murder and espionage. The following translation of the surname “Scherf” casts some light on the occult (hidden) meaning of the name.
“SCHERF: German and Jewish(Ashkenazic); from Middle High German. Habitational name from places in the Rhineland named Scherf, or from Scherfede near Warburg. (Note: The word “Ashkenazic” is derived from the Hebrew word for Germany. Ashkenazic Jews are the Jews of France, Germany, and Eastern Europe.)”
destiny as the most prolific scientific inventor in history. If the Scherfs (who were trained in espionage for the purpose of providing Hitler with stolen technologies developed in America) were to be of any
worth to Hitler’s unquenchable thirst for advanced weaponry and world domination, they must be able to penetrate Tesla’s inner circle of influence.
tracing his roots back to Germany, an “F” was added to the end of the Scherf(f) surname. These two steps made genealogical research in Germany extremely difficult, if not altogether impossible. In German genealogical records and databases, the spelling of Scherff (two Fs) is very rare.
the United States the opposite is true. The “double-F” spelling is quite common—so common, that there exists but one record of a George “Scherf” ever arriving in the U.S. Since Otto Skorzeny’s familiarity with the Scherf family was usually in the context of espionage, he always assumed the spelling to be the
“Americanized” version, which was also the published version in writings about Nikola Tesla. Skorzeny, however, did remember GHS1/PSB’s middle initial (H).
GHS1/PSB (with two Fs), was charged with insubordination, then convicted and sentenced with an 11-shilling fine—a rather hefty sum in 1914—or two days in jail. It was not mentioned as for which penalty he ultimately paid.
The timing of this concealed event curiously corresponds with the first year of GHSI/PSB’s “proclaimed attendance” at Yale University.
Evidently, the New Zealand House of Representatives and the New Zealand Maritime Museum both felt the conviction of “George Scherff, Able Seaman” was a significant event in maritime history, which
resulted in its publication, not only in the Annual Journal of the House of Representatives, but also on the New Zealand Maritime Museum’s own web site. No age was given, though a safe estimate would place him in his late-teens to early-20s. After his one-year career on the SS Surrey, GHS1/PSB disappeared from the New Zealand shipping manifests.
The seafaring career of GHS1/PSB found new life with the Hamburg-Amerika line (owned by Brown Brothers Harriman & Company and aided by credit arranged through George Herbert Walker (GHW),
GHS1/PSB’s future father-in-law).
His name (with two Fs) reappeared on numerous shipping manifests on the “crew’s list,” during 1920 and 1921, traveling from Hamburg, Liverpool, and the British West Indies. GHS1/PSB had been progressively promoted from “able seaman” to “second mate,” “junior first mate,” and “first officer.” Many of his documented voyages were on the SS Mount Clay, which departed regularly from Hamburg, Liverpool and ports in the West Indies and South America. One significant voyage, which departed from Liverpool on January 20, 1915 and arrived in New York on the January 30, was aboard the SS Arabic. Its passenger, on Line 1 of the manifest, presented to the
INS at Ellis Island, was George Scherf, German citizen from Dölitzsch. [27] Dölitzsch is a small village south of Leipzig, Germany, and was not too distant from the hometown of Martin Bormann who later became Hitler’s second-in-command.
This official U.S. government document (to the inevitable chagrin of the INS, the FBI, and the CIA) establishes a “regional” connection between the George H. Scherf family, Martin Bormann, Joseph
Mengele, Reinhardt Gehlen and Skorzeny; (see photo) sets the pre-WWII connection between the Scherfs and these known Nazis into concrete. This single document, obviously missed in the frantic effort to expunge all records of Nazi spies, went
unnoticed until I discovered it in 2007.
See the photo Skorzeny produced in which he identified the aforementioned Nazis, including himself and the family of George H. Scherf, Sr., “the illegal-immigrant, German-born accountant of Nikola Tesla.” The photo is published in Eric “Orion” Berman’s book The Bush Connection (See http://thebushconnection.com).
Note: Based upon a preponderance of evidence, in addition to recent discoveries through independent research, indicating patterns of deceit, corruption, theft, conspiracy, murder and treason, it appears that George H. Scherf(f), Sr. (GHS1) was the real identity of Prescott Sheldon Bush (PSB). Even Skorzeny “bought” the story that George H. Scherf, Jr. (GHS2) was GHS1/PSBs adopted son.
GHS1/PSB was a double agent who worked primarily on behalf of the Nazi SS apparatus that controlled the German Central banks who, in turn, controlled their counterparts on Wall Street and in London. GHS1/PSB stole Nikola Tesla’s technology and, according to Skorzeny, “robbed Tesla blind.”
Nazis of the Third Reich, determined as they were to deceive the world in their pursuit of world domination, made some mistakes. Their carefully-crafted plan had its own shortcomings, despite their
best efforts. Inevitably, greed became the “hidden enemy.” Not only was Tesla’s technology stolen, but the governments of Germany, Russia, and the United States
benefited by covertly weaponizing his most-advanced inventions and then turning that technology on the peoples of the world. George Scherf, described in books, newspaper and magazine articles and in
biographies distributed throughout the scientific community as Tesla’s “trusted associate, accountant, and sometimes secretary,” stole his inventions, sold them to the Union Banking Corporation (UBC)
through his vice-presidency and directorship under the alias of Prescott Sheldon Bush, to be forwarded to Paul Warburg (banker),
conducted with SPB and his association with Buckeye Steel Castings, Remington Arms (through his position as Chairman of the War Industries Board), the Harrimans, Kuhn, Loeb & Company, J.P. Morgan, the Rockefellers, and GHW. Was it a coincidence that the families of GHW, Samuel P. Bush (SPB), GHS1/PSB (and even their Pierce relatives) all had a penchant for domestic servitude from the “Fatherland,” Nazi Germany?
peculiar character trait amongst these self-proclaimed “blood relatives to British royalty” fueled their hunger for German cuisine? Their “American” servants—cooks, maids, nurses, et al, were taught to lie to INS and Census Bureau agents, never suspecting that an independent researcher would uncover their deceit 100 years later.
Coincidentally, the Hamburg-Amerika line was associated with the UBC scandal that resulted in the “Trading with the Enemy Act” charges brought forth against the Brown Brothers, Harriman & Company, UBC, GHW and GHS1/PSB. It had been discovered that the Nazis were laundering stolen money (from Europe) through the UBC and sending it back to Adolph Hitler through Fritz Thyssen, the Warburgs, I.G. Farben and others. Arms and oil shipments intended to assist the Nazi cause and enrich the likes of SPB and the Rockefeller family were halted in 1942, though dividends were ultimately paid to the perpetrators after World War II. GHS1/PSB received $1.5 million, the value of one share of the UBC stock he owned. The total assets of UBC were estimated to be worth more than $4 billion at the time.
Walker families to favor those of German persuasion. Samuel P. Bush employed a maid, Emma Sigler, who immigrated to the U.S. in “1907,” from Urbach, Germany. Emma, like her benefactors, not only
misstated her age (28), which should have been 37 (based upon her declaration to the INS that she was 19 in 1902), but her date of arrival and her real intended destination— the home of SPB. Somehow,
Emma “forgot” that she arrived at the Port of New York, on September 15, 1902—five years prior to her
declaration to the Census Bureau. The point here is that it does not matter how old she was on either occasion, but that on one or both occasions, she lied to INS officials. [28] The “Walkers” TWI:
CTWII and Catherine produced “one” child, Thomas Walker III (TWIII) born October 14, 1787. [30] It is interesting that TWI and CTWII both married a “Catharine (Catherine)” and neither had birth dates, nor places of birth. “Catharine” didn’t even have a maiden surname. Apparently, neither Catharine nor her presumed daughter-in-law Catherine had parents, though both were supposedly born in “England.”
CTWII reportedly died at sea in 1797 (date unknown), though it is not clear whether he was traveling on a ship or merely swimming.
GEW: George E. Walker was born in “either New Jersey or Maryland" about 1797 or 1798 according to numerous biographies. GEW attended Mount St. Mary’s College (boarding school) in Emittsburg, Maryland, from 1811-12 as an “orphan,” though it is unclear which “legal guardian” sent him there.
Brothers? Both TWIII and GEW found their way to Bloomington, Illinois, though their relationship is suspiciously omitted from public records in the United States. Was it so that no one would ever discover
this “royal” secret”—that “Catharine” and “Catherine” were one and the same and bore CTWII with TWI and then coupled with her own son (CTWII) to produce TWIII? We can assume that CTWII also fathered GEW, but that is not certain, though GEW was given the Walker name. Catherine, died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1806.
GEW died in Bloomington, Ill., October 28, 1864. TWIII died on June 18, 1870, in Tazewell, Illinois, and was buried at Bloomington, Illinois. DDW: According to the British Census of 1881, GEW’s son, David Davis Walker (DDW), was born in
Leeds, England, January 19, 1840. According to the 1881 census, DDW’s son, GHW, was six years old at the time and was described as a “scholar.” His birth would have been in 1875, not 1874. [32]
GHW: George Herbert Walker. The Walker family was already in the business of manufacturing clothes, an industry they would continue on their arrival to the United States. The future father-in-law of GSH1/PSB had established himself in the business world by dealing in dry goods. Though his career began with his father David Davis Walker’s Ely, Walker & Company in St. Louis, Missouri, he eventually became a partner in the New York banks that played a role in the trading scandals related to the closing of the UBC. Census records from 1900, 1910, 1920 and 1930 reveal a suspicious but recurring pattern with those who conducted business with the Nazis.
Federal Decennial Census, GHW declared that his father was born in “Missouri” and his mother in “Missouri. [33] However, in the 1910 U.S. Federal Decennial Census, his father was born in “Maryland” and his mother in “Missouri.” [34]
The wily GHW declared in the 1920 U.S. Federal Census that his father was born in “Maryland” and that his mother now, too, was born in “Maryland.”
Maryland—that is, if she was really his mother. [38] The facts behind GHW’s census declarations speak for themselves, though the story does not end there.
Such sloppy geneological record keeping is hardly befitting anyone claiming to be “in the bloodline of the British Crown.”
The biographies of GHW agree that he was born on June 11, 1875. Why would he claim to the Census Bureau that he was born in 1874—not once, not twice, not thrice, but four times? Surely he must have
known the correct date of his own birth.
The confusion one experiences upon exhuming records that should reveal the “roots” of the Walker/Bush families is puzzling.
We can also see that elements of truth are spun into this web of blatant lies, distortions and concealment of facts—as if daring us to accept the entire package as an honest representation of the record. Bushes, Walkers, bankers and Nazis—and the Vatican The Wall Street bankers had already established their connections with their counterparts in Europe—
the Rothschilds, the Warburgs and the Bank of England. These relationships were fortified with a series of events that gave G.H. Walker & Co. (Walker’s investment firm) the international prestige GHW
persons all the way to the top in U.S. government.
But the Nazis were not the sole beneficiaries of the loot. The Nazis were the pawns for a far more sinister authority—the Vatican, the Society of Jesus (Jesuit Order) and the “Black Pope.”
Weapons for the waging of wars could easily be transported back to Germany and other ports throughout Europe. As previously mentioned, Samuel P. Bush, as director of the War Industries Board
(WIB), was able to secure contracts for the Rockefellers, J.P. Morgan, Kuhn, Loeb & Company, Brown Brothers Harriman, Union Banking Corporation, George Westinghouse and other wealthy industrialists who profited from arms dealing to both sides of each war the WIB orchestrated. It was no coincidence
that SPB’s “son,” Prescott Sheldon Bush (GHSI/PSB) was appointed a vice-president and partner of UBC by its director (and now, father-in-law), GHW.
What was it that permitted Walker to wield such power and influence? Certainly, his willingness to financially contribute to the perpetual fomentation of war throughout the world (from which he, his family and others profited from then and still do to this day) and his allegiance to those who facilitated his meteoric rise in the banking industry.
in his personal biography. GHW, a self-proclaimed Episcopalian “spent part of his education In England at Stonyhurst College,” according to his “wikipedia” biography. [39] The biography does not specify if GHW attended the school prior to arriving in the United States, though it is quite possible that he, and even his father, had been given seed money (or total financial backing) to assist them in launching their businesses after their arrival stateside.
Also according to wikipedia, In 1900, GHW "…started a banking and investment firm named G.H. Walker & Company." Based upon GHW’s uncertainty concerning his father’s birthplace, the likelihood of providing that
information to a government agency such as the Census Bureau was not anticipated, so GHW “winged it” four times, getting it wrong on each occasion.
the Jesuits in England. GHW also had established a “compound” on the east coast in Kennebunkport, Maine before 1900.
In 1899, Tesla had been commissioned by Rear Admiral Francis J. Higginson and the U.S. Treasury Department to outfit the Light Vessel No. 66 (LV) with a wireless telegraphy system, his own invention.
telecommunications (pictures and sound) to the public worldwide.
While it is true that Tesla intended to use his Long Island facility to perform experiments, “with the transmission of electrical energy for power and lighting purposes by wireless. . . .” he repeatedly made it clear the Wardenclyffe plant’s primary function was global wireless telecommunications and broadcasting.
For example, from “The Future of the Wireless Art, WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY & TELEPHONY,” by Walter W. Massie & Charles R. Underhill (pp. 67-71) (1908): [41]
equipment. An inexpensive instrument, not bigger than a watch, will enable its bearer to hear anywhere, on sea or land, music or song, the speech of a political leader, the address of an eminent man
of science, or the sermon of an eloquent clergyman, delivered in some other place, however distant. In the same manner any picture, character, drawing, or print can be transferred from one to another place.
Millions of such instruments can be operated from but one plant of this kind. More important than all of this, however, will be the transmission of power, without wires, which will be shown on a scale large
enough to carry conviction.” The True Wireless, which includes a comparison of the Tesla and Marconi systems, affirms this conclusion. [42] “As early as 1899 Tesla was motivated to develop a transportable system for wireless
May 11, 1899
Mr. Nicola Tesla,
46 Houston Street,
New York, N. Y.
Dear Sir:
I would like to ask you if you if [sic] you can not [sic] arrange to establish a system of wireless telegraphy upon the Light-Vessel No. 66, Nantucket Shoals, Mass., which lies off about 60 miles south
of Nantucket Island. . . Hoping you will give this proposition your early consideration, I am
Respectfully yours,
Francis J. Higginson
Rear-Admiral, U.S.N.,
And in a July 1899 letter from the Colorado Springs lab, Tesla writes to an assistant:
Dear Mr. Scherff,
We want as soon as possible four sizes of this little instrument completed in annexed sketch and there ought to be two pieces of each size, that is, 8 pieces in all. These pieces are to go on the clockworks as
Mr. Uhlman will surely understand. . . .
. . . Push this work through as quickly as possible, as I am preparing myself for the plant at Nantucket (for the government) and want to have as much work done as possible before I return. . . .
Yours sincerely,
N. Tesla
government was interested. The Nantucket plant was also in convenient proximity to Walker's Point.
Also note that the 1899 date would place Scherff at about four years old--if we are to believe he was born in 1895 (recall two letters from 1918 between Tesla and Scherff reprinted earlier in this article).
Further evidence of the timing of this sequence being a fraud is provided by a short newspaper article, “To Test Tesla’s System,” Brooklyn Eagle, Sept., 1899. [43]
Lighthouse Board to Ask Congress for an Appropriation (Special to the Eagle)
Washington, September 7 — The members of the Lighthouse Board intend to ask Congress for an appropriation during the coming session of Congress to enable them to conduct some extensive experiments with wireless telegraphy at Fire Island. This scheme is a popular one with Admiral
Higginson and the other members of this board who believe that it will eventually figure prominently in the lighthouse and life saving systems.
Admiral Higginson has already had some correspondence with Tesla, the electrical expert,
experiments of any kind. It is possible that in 1917 Tesla was receiving heavy fire, but it certainly wasn’t from his own gun.”
The last sentence in the quotation above is not only ambiguous it is misleading. The relevance to the original request by Admiral Higginson is not only suspicious, the document has been edited with a date
insertion some 18 years after its original publication.
whose vision was unlimited free wireless power and wireless communications for all mankind, compartmentalized his research and notes to frustrate the ill-intended efforts of government and industry
to steal his discoveries.
technology while the New York bankers and their shipping partners profited immensely. The Walker’s Point compound at Kennebunkport, Maine, likely served as a secret port for the smuggling of documents, weapons, cash, and spies — due to its clandestine location. [Editor’s note: Notice how the “Tesla” technology described in the 1908 excerpt from, “The Future of the Wireless Art,” mirrors our contemporary wireless reality. Note also how modern wireless is not free:
It is harnessed, collected, regulated, metered and available for a fee and subject to taxes—and censorship].
Further investigation reveals that the Pope is covertly controlled by the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Peter Hans Kolvenbach—the Black Pope. The General Curia (administrative offices where Jesuit business is conducted) is located in “Rome,” more specifically, within the Vatican. Following the dictates of Ignatius Loyola’s “25 Sessions” and the leadership of the Superior General, the
ultimate goal of this secret organization is to “destroy and rebuild the Temple of Solomon, reestablishing the seat of the Pope in Israel.” Historically, the Jesuit mission has been to eliminate Protestant Christianity throughout the world, with
the United States being the last frontier to be conquered. Contrary to the self-proclaimed mission to educate and assist the underprivileged in society, the Jesuits actually worship Lucifer (not Satan) and
practice the most sadistic forms of human sacrifice, homosexuality, pedophilia, black magic, and murder.
The Society employs a variety of ruthless tactics to accomplish its long-term goal (of a New World Order which pays homage to their Black Pope). One is carrying out political assassinations of world leaders who refuse to comply with its demands. These assassinations in the U.S. have included presidents (Abraham Lincoln, JFK), cabinet members, congressmen, senators, diplomats, journalists,
scientists and religious and business leaders. For purposes of obfuscation and maintaining a spirit of compliance, the Society of Jesus employs (and
finances) the services of the NSA, DHS, FEMA, OSS, ONI, FBI, CIA, DIA, DEA, the Pentagon, the Department of Defense, NASA, the Federal Reserve, the Internal Revenue Service, the Congress, and
other Federal agencies as deemed necessary.
Foreign military and intelligence agencies under their control include the German SS, Deutsche
Verteidigungs Dienst (underground Abwehr/DVD), the British MI6 and MI5, the Israeli Mossad,
NATO, Interpol, the KGB, the Chilean DINA, and even the United Nations, to name a few.
Assassinations are carried out by the aforementioned intelligence agencies and their Mafia partners in
the drug and gambling trades, often with collateral assistance from the Knights of Malta, the Freemasons, the Knights of Columbus, and Propaganda Due (P2). Such was the case in the assassination
of President John F. Kennedy and some former Popes. Political leaders, whether duly elected or corruptly appointed, are replaced by dictatorships favorable to
the Society. Those governments with concordats are allowed to subsist without threat of war, though that policy often changes when revolutionary movements begin to receive international recognition.
Often, the simple refusal to allow the Society to reap the profits of the illegal drug trade is enough to spark a civil war or a clandestine paramilitary incursion.
The Society considers declaring one’s individual sovereignty, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and civil rights to be anathema to its doctrine while seeking to crush Protestant Christianity, the basis for
the creation of the United States.
foundations, and institutes of “higher education” in foreign countries. Fordham University, a Jesuit institution, controls the Vatican’s top official in the U.S., John Cardinal O’Connor, Archbishop of New
York (at St. Patrick’s Cathedral).
published on government-sponsored web sites, in specially-commissioned literary works, and propaganda-laden school books, the central banks of New York City played a crucial role in betraying the United States government and its citizenry.
writings of G. Edward Griffin (The Creature from Jekyll Island), Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin (George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography) and Kevin Philips (American Dynasty), to name a few, have not only exposed the conspiracies designed to overthrow the American government and establish a
“New World Order,” they have laid the groundwork for new research.
This research would be considered incomplete without revealing the identity of the consummate international puppet: George Herbert Walker Bush (GHSII/GHWB) GHSII/GHWB Skorzeny was emphatic when he made the seemingly outrageous claim that George H. Scherf(f), Jr., was the son of Nikola Tesla’s illegal-immigrant German-born accountant, George H. Scherf(f), Sr.
What Skorzeny did not know, as has been previously surmised, was the correct spelling of his surname at birth. Skorzeny, having been Adolph Hitler’s bodyguard, would have known anyone Hitler knew.
was his job. The photograph depicting the younger, soon-to-become-infamous Nazi war criminals [45] spoke volumes about Skorzeny’s honesty, a quality his associates arguably lacked. Chances are that Skorzeny never actually met GHSI/PSB, so he would not have recognized that GHSI/PSB was operating as a double agent for the Nazi Party. Skorzeny claimed that GHSII/GHWB had been trained as a spy for Adolph Hitler, and it is possible that he never knew that GHSI/PSB was an “imposter.” Neither Hitler,
nor GHSI/PSB could have risked such a disclosure. The story about GHSII/GHWB having been “adopted” by GHSI/PSB bears out this fact. The photographs, which Skorzeny produced as proof, were taken in an Alpine setting common to the
northern Alps.
the Scherfs for such a daunting task? He was known to have spent time in Berlin, Munich, and other large cities — both in the military and during political campaigns. The plot to enlist the Scherfs was carried out in Dölitzsch, some 20 miles south of Leipzig (recall GHSI/PSB’s declaration to the INS in 1915). To the west of Dölitzsch was the town, Wegeleben, home of Martin Bormann. Bormann posed
for a photograph with the Scherf family (see photo), [46] along with Skorzeny and Joseph Mengele, an occasion facilitated by the roles they were all to play as members of Hitler’s SS. All three assisted in the
training of the Scherfs, who were neophytes in espionage at the time.
associates” (money launderers) of the New York central bankers who supported the Nazis, until getting caught in 1941, and shut down in 1942.
Martin Bormann, having risen to a position of great power in the Nazi Party by 1933, established and administered the “Adolph Hitler Endowment Fund of German Industry,” supported by “donations” from
successful German entrepreneurs. Bormann also managed all of Hitler’s business affairs and personal finances after gaining a reputation as an assassin and intimidator of trade union organizers. He was one of the most powerful leaders of the Third Reich.
Joseph Mengele, the infamous “Angel of Death,” was known for killing of thousands of those imprisoned at Auschwitz, for performing sadistic biological experiments upon the prisoners in the death camps and for having a penchant for “studying” twins. Having studied biology at the University of Munich, then working as a research assistant at Frankfurt University Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene, Mengele joined the Sturmabteilung, or “Stormtroopers”—a paramilitary organization for the Nazi Party. His role equally complemented that of Bormann and Skorzeny.
It is apparent from GHSI/PSB's association with the above men that he was trained by the "best". The Bush clan—
genealogical records The published biographies of GHSII/GHWB, son of GHSI/PSB, claim that he was born in Milton, Massachusetts, on June 12, 1924.
In short, he was the son of a man born in 1895 at Columbus, Ohio, that went to a school that did not exist; then went to a school in Newport, Rhode Island, from 1908-1913; after which he was convicted of insubordination on the SS Surrey while working in New Zealand (1914); before joining the Connecticut National Guard in 1916 while attending Yale University from 1913-1917; then receiving three medals
‘for deflecting a missile with a bolo knife,’ while stationed with the American Expeditionary Forces in France, from 1917-1919, during which he and his Skull & Bones buddies from Yale supposedly robbed Geronimo’s grave in 1918; before returning to Columbus, where the shame of his ‘heroism’ forced him to move to St. Louis, where he lived in a boarding house and worked as a ‘warehouse clerk’ or ‘general manager of a hardware company’; until his marriage to Dorothy Walker at Kennebunkport, Maine, in
1921; only to return to work (‘for a few months’) as a salesman for Hupp Products Company (a rubber company owned by SPB) in Columbus, Ohio, in 1923; before accepting a sales position with a rubberized golf-spike manufacturer, Stedman Products Company (also owned by his father) in Braintree, Massachusetts for seven months; only to move to Greenwich, Connecticut, where he began his career
with Union Banking Corporation and his father-in-law, GHW. By calculating the dates contained in the census data below, more anomalies appear in the Bush family
history. In general, rounding off the ages of one’s children is a common practice among adults, though children, wanting to be specific about their exact age, will tell you. The ages of GHSI/PSB’s children are
all “rounded off” to the nearest year with one exception—Nancy.
adult to express his/her age). By adding seven months from February 4, we arrive at the approximate date the census was taken—September 4, 1930 (the actual year the census was taken). [47] When we calculate the age of Walker (was that his preferred name?), who was “born on June 12, 1924,” his age should be “6 years, 2 months.” The census says “age 5.” “Walker,” whoever he is, has suddenly
become one year younger (Recall Skorzeny’s contention that GHSII/GHWB was GHSI/PSB “adopted son”). GHSI/PSB (born on May 15, 1895) also has become one year younger, when he should be age 35.
Prescott S
H 34 M 26 Ohio Massachusetts Ohio
Dorothy W 28 M 20 Maine Missouri Missouri
S Jr
S 7 S Maine Ohio Maine
Walker S 5 S Massachusetts Ohio Maine
Nancy D 4
S New York Ohio Maine
This one census report contains numerous anomalies:
1) The incorrect age of husband GHS1/PSB—It should be 35, not “34,” according to biographical declarations.
2) The incorrect age of wife Dorothy—It should be 29, not “28.”
3) The erroneous birthplace of son Prescott, Jr., which is declared in biographies to be Columbus, Ohio;
not “Maine.”
4) The listing of “Walker” as the child who should have been listed as “George” (GHSII/GHWB)
5) “Walker’s” age, which should be 6 years, 2 months; not “5.”
6) The absence of a birthplace for Nancy Bush—in this “official” record and all other known biographical sources.
7) The birthplace of GHSI/PSB's father (SPB)—it should be “Brick Church, New Jersey,” according to biographical accounts (even though there is no such town as “Brick Church”).
8) The birthplace of Dorothy’s father—It should be “Leeds, England,” not “Missouri.”After the 1930 census, GHSI/PSB had two more sons, Jonathan James Bush (JJB, May 6, 1931,
birthplace unknown) and William Henry Trotter Bush (WHTB, July 14, 1938, Greenwich, CT). [48]
the list of “Notable Alumni” at the Hotchkiss web site linked through wikipedia. [49] A link found on the Bush biography page at wikipedia, lists the birth of JJB (again with no birthplace),
with a link which returns to the original biography.
FamilySearch.org, declares that “no such record exists.”
Following in his father’s footsteps, JJB was fined in 1991 for securities violations in Massachusetts and Connecticut. JJB was "busted" again in 2004, when Riggs Bank, of which he was a “director,” was fined $25 million for attempts at thwarting a money laundering investigation of the firm. The misleading birth records of the Bush family permeate each generation, whether examined before or after GHSI/PSB’s generation. For example, the family biographies claim that SPB (GHSI/PSB’s father) was born at Brick Church, New Jersey, in 1863.
“Brick Church” is not a town, it is a church. There also exists a Brick Church train station, a Brick Church Plaza and, of course, the Brick Church Clubhouse. Should the family now claim (due to this
recent revelation) that he was born in the church, that would be as untrue as the genealogical data posted on hundreds of web sites and published in countless literary works.
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